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Mentor Training

The Exeter Mentor Curriculum

The Exeter Mentor Curriculum document explains the Exeter Mentor Curriculum for 24/25. The three units (totalling the 20 hours equivalent required by the DfE) are explained along with pre-accreditation options

Pre-Accreditation for Unit One

Up to six hours of Unit One – General Mentoring Development can be pre-accredited for Mentors who have completed the ECF Mentoring Curriculum or the NPQ LTD. Further details can be found on our Unit One pre-accreditation matrix

We have produced a list of FAQs from schools which we will continue to add to 

Please find below details in relation to mentoring in the Exeter Model for the upcoming academic year.

You can also view a printable leaflet describing the Exeter Mentor Curriculum 


These are explained in The Exeter Mentor Curriculum – Guide for Mentors above. Mentors will be first contacted by the ITE Partnership Office from July 24 to provide access to Unit 1 modules via NASBTT. ITECs will be informed from July about which Mentors will be required to attend Unit 2 training along with the dates of the face to face sessions. The next communications in September will provide Mentors with access to the IDP and online training materials for Unit 2 - both the full training and refresher options.

Please email: with any queries.