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Postgraduate Study - PhD and Research Degrees

Finding a PhD Research Project

Please see the projects available within each department listed below for the EPSRC DTP studentships starting January 2025. 

When submitting your application you must clearly identify the project for which you are applying in your cover letter which is required as part of the application process.  


Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department.  For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  
Advanced Travelling Wave-Based Fault Detection and Localization in Hybrid AC/DC Transmission Networks Integrating AI and Quantum Technologies
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Farhad Namdari

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Advanced Travelling Wave-Based Fault Detection and Localization (NAMDARI)

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Project Title:   Sustainable all-solid-state Li-S battery
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Zhenyu Zhang

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Sustainable all-solid-state Li-S battery (ZHANG)

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Project Title:  Process Optimisation for Sustainable 3D Printing Concrete
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Jingchao Jiang

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Process Optimisation for Sustainable 3D Printing Concrete (JIANG)

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Project Title:  Low-cost high efficiency earth-abundant electrocatalysts for direct seawater electrolysis for green hydrogen production (COASTLINE)

Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Xiaohong Li

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Low-cost high efficiency earth-abundant electrocatalysts for green hydrogen (LI)

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Project Title:  SpatioTemporally Enhanced LLMs: Application for Robust CFD (STELLAR-CFD)
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Xu Chu

Full details of the project can be found in the following link SpatioTemporally Enhanced LLMs Application for Robust CFD (STELLAR-CFD) (CHU)

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Project Title:  Control Allocation for Complex Aerial Vehicle Control Systems
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Christopher Edwards

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Control Allocation for Complex Aerial Vehicle Control Systems (EDWARDS)

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Project Title:  Novel concrete construction approaches using concrete 3D printing and deployable auxetic formworks
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Prakash Kripakaran

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Novel concrete construction approaches using concrete 3D printing (KRIPAKARAN)

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Project Title:  Molecular Pathways in Pathological Mineralisation of Collagenous Tissues -Finding a New Direction for Intervention
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Junning Chen

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Molecular Pathways in Pathological Mineralisation of Collagenous Tissues (CHEN)

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Project Title: Exploring quantum effects in 2D Materials for enhanced hydrogen storage efficiency 
Lead Supervisor: Prof Monica Craciun

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Exploring quantum effects in 2D Materials (Prof. M. Craciun)

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Project Title:  2D-heterostructure devices for nanoscale quantum Sensing
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Isaac Luxmoore

Full details of the project can be found in the following link 2D-heterostructure devices for nanoscale quantum Sensing (LUXMOORE)

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Project Title:  Solving storm sewer overflows through spatial catchment optimisation
Lead Supervisor: Dr James Webber

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Solving storm sewer overflows through spatial catchment optimisation (WEBBER)

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Project Title:  Development and Optimization of Electric Propulsion Systems for Speedboats
Lead Supervisor: Prof Justin Hinshelwood

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Development and Optimization of Electric Propulsion Systems (HINSHELWOOD)

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Project Title:  Quantum Computing (QC) for Real-Time Optimisation of Power Networks
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Zhong Fan

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Quantum Computing (QC) for Real-Time Optimisation of Power Networks (FAN)

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Project Title:  Investigating the interaction between mechanical, biological environments to understand intervertebral disc health
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Tim Holsgrove

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Investigating the interaction between mechanical, biological environs(HOLSGROVE)

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Project Title:  Printing the Future: AI-Powered 4D Printing of Auxetic Metamaterials for Out-of-Plane Shape Morphing
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Jiajia Shen

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Printing the Future AI powered 4D printing of auxetic metamaterials (SHEN)
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Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department.  For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Optical metasurfaces for multifunctional infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Calum Williams

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Optical metasurfaces for multifunctional infrared spectroscopy (WILLIAMS)

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Project Title:  Neuromorphic Magnonics
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Volodymyr Kruglyak

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Neuromorphic Magnonics (KRUGLYAK)

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Project Title:  New approaches for the characterisation of chiral molecules in food systems
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Geoff nash

Full details of the project can be found in the following link New approaches for the characterisation of chiral molecules in food systems-NASH

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Project Title:  Nonreciprocal transport in metamaterials
Lead Supervisor:  Dr. Charles Andrew Downing

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Nonreciprocal transport in metamaterials (DOWNING)

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Project Title:  Advanced Surface Enhanced Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopic Imaging for Deep Minimally Invasive Clinical Applications
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Nick Stone

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Advanced Surface Enhanced Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopic Imaging (STONE)

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Project Title:  Ultrafast imaging of valley and spin qubits
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Maciej Dabrowski

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Ultrafast imaging of valley and spin qubits (DABROWSKI)

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Project Title:  Time Resolved Imaging of Energy Efficient Switching in Spin-Orbit Torque Memory Devices
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Rob Hicken

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Time Resolved Imaging of Energy Efficient Switching in Spin-Orbit (HICKEN)

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Project Title:  Metamaterials for Wave Power
Lead Supervisor:  Simon Horsley

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Metamaterials for Wave Power (Prof. Simon Horsley)

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Project Title:  Spin somersaults: Chirality-induced spin polarisation to engineer the quantum dynamics of radical pairs
Lead Supervisor:  Daniel R. Kattnig

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Spin somersaults - chrality induced spin polarisation (KATTNIG)

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Project Title: 
Lead Supervisor:  Prof S.Russo

Full details of the project can be found in the following link  2D Quantum Technologies (RUSSO)

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Project Title: 
Lead Supervisor:  Prof Frank Vollmer

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Quantum Enhanced Single-Molecule Biosensing (VOLLMER)

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Project Title:  Artificial Intelligence Design of Tailored Light-Matter Interactions
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Simon Berry

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Artificial Intelligence Design of Tailored Light-Matter Interactions (BERRY)

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Project Title:  Quantum state representation via Bayesian inference on the Bloch sphere
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Luca Dellantonio

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Quantum state representation via Bayesian inference (DELLANTONIO)

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Project Title:  Quantum thermodynamic insights and their use cold atom experiments
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Janet Anders

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Quantum thermodynamic insights and their use cold atom experiments (ANDERS)

Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department.  For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Statistical AI methods for understadning climate change impacts on human health
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Theo Economou

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Statistical AI methods for understadning climate change impacts (ECONOMOU)

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Project Title: 
Lead Supervisor:  Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Predictive modelling of longitudinal changes (TSANEVA-ATANASOVA)

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Project Title:  Extreme value models for short- and long-term prediction of track and field records
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Ben Youngman

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Extreme value models for short- and long-term prediction (YOUNGMAN)

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Project Title:  Causal machine learning for Immersive Healthcare Technologies
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Victoria Volodina

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Causal machine learning for Immersive Healthcare Technologies (VOLODINA)

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Project Title:  Mathematical modelling of spindle orientation in the fly embryo
Lead Supervisor:  Dr David Richards

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Mathematical modelling of spindle orientation in the fly embryo (RICHARDS)

Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department.  For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Hybrid Intelligence System for Early Cancer Detection and Treatment Planning
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Ahmed Karam Eldaly

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Hybrid Intelligence System for Early Cancer Detection (KARAM ELDALY)

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Project Title:  Offline Safe Reinforcement Learning with Conditional Sequence Modelling
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Xiaoyang Wang

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Offline Safe Reinforcement Learning with Conditional Sequence Modelling (WANG)

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Project Title:  Robustness Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Rohghui Mu

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Robustness Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning (MU)

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Project Title:  Lightweight Guardrails for Large Language (Vision-Language) Models
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Jay Jin

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Lightweight Guardrails for Large Language (Vision-Language) Models (JIN)

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Project Title:  Efficient Deep Learning Algorithms for Pedestrian-Centric Multimodal Robot Perception
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Xingchen Zhang

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Efficient Deep Learning Algorithms for Pedestrian-Centric Multimodal (ZHANG)

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Project Title:  LLM-Driven Cognitive-Constrained AI: Ensuring Safe Decision-Making in Minetest Environments
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Cedrc Mesnage

Full details of the project can be found in the following link LLM-Driven Cognitive-Constrained AI Ensuring Safe Decision-Making (MESNAGE)

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Project Title:  Uncertainty Quantification in Explainable Optimisation
Lead Supervisor:  Dr David Walker

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Uncertainty Quantification in Explainable Optimisation (WALKER)

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Project Title:  Developing Techniques for Automating the Generation and Analysis of Past Climate Data
Lead Supervisor:  Dr David Reynolds

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Developing Techniques for Automating the Generation and Analysis (REYNOLDS)

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Project Title:  Applying evolutionary algorithms to design automatically quantum circuits
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Alberto Moraglio

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Applying evolutionary algorithms to design automatically quantum (MORAGLIO)

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Project Title:  Beyond Texts: Harnessing Multimodal AI to Combat Online Harmful Content in Videos
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Zeyu Fu

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Beyond Texts Harnessing Multimodal AI to Combat Online Harmful Content (FU)

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Project Title:  Combating Driver Distraction in Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics
Lead Supervisor:  Dr. Johan Wahlström

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Combating Driver Distraction in Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics(WAHLSTROM)

Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Nature-Based Solutions for Groundwater Recharge and Water Resilience in Arid Regions
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Diego Panici

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Nature-Based Solutions for Groundwater Recharge (PANICI)


Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  
Predicting falls in the elderly from body-worn sensor data.
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Genevieve Williams

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Predicting falls in the elderly from body-worn sensor data (WILLIAMS)

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Project Title:  Stepping up our understanding of human foot biomechanics with computer modelling and simulation
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Dominic Farris

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Stepping up our understanding of human foot biomechanics (FARRIS)

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Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Efficient Bayesian inference for infectious disease models
Lead Supervisor:  Dr. Trevelyan McKinley

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Efficient Bayesian inference for infectious disease models (McKINLEY)
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Project Title:  
Improving Artificial Intelligence through Neuroscience
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Joel Tabak

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Improving Artificial Intelligence through Neuroscience (TABAK)
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Project Title:  Virtual Reality Toolkit for Medical Training and Patient Management
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Neil Vaughan

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Virtual Reality Toolkit for Medical Training and Patient Management (VAUGHAN)
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Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  
Digital Twin for Electricity and Carbon Markets
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Fanlin Meng

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Digital Twin for Electricity and Carbon Markets (MENG)

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Project Title:  A Human-AI Collaboration System for Design Engineering
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Ji Han

Full details of the project can be found in the following link A Human-AI Collaboration System for Design Engineering (HAN)

Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.


Project Title:  Protein Quantum Logic Gates
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Jonathan Phillips

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Protein Quantum Logic Gates (PHILLIPS)

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Project Title:  Bioinspired micropatterned metamaterials for directional fluid transport
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Ulrike Bauer

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Bioinspired micropatterned metamaterials for directional fluid transport (BAUER)

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Project Title:  Developing AI-based tools to advance understanding of plankton in the global ocean
Lead Supervisor:  Dr Daniel Mayor

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Developing AI-based tools to advance understanding of plankton (MAYOR)

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Below are details of PhD research projects available within the department for the EPSRC DTP Studentships for January 2025 entry.

For project specific enquiries, please contact the named lead supervisor.

Project Title:  Developing Bayesian approaches in network science
Lead Supervisor:  Prof. Lauren Brent

Full details of the project can be found in the following link Developing Bayesian approaches in network science (BRENT)