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Senate Representative on Council Election

The nominations window is now closed for the election to find a member of s representative on Senate to join the University’s Council. The voting window opens on July 1st and closes on July 10th. 

Council is the University’s governing body, which has overall responsibility for institutional strategy, financial, estates and legal matters. Council formally meets six times a year and holds one strategy planning day each year. Council activity is also supported by various Committees and the Dual Assurance structure, which focus on particular areas of the University’s activity.  

The members of Council include senior managers of the University and independent members who are able to contribute their experience working in industry, other parts of the public sector and the voluntary sector to the governance of the University. Council also includes three members of academic staff nominated by Senate, representatives from the Students Guild and Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union and a member of Professional Services Staff. 

More information about Council and the current membership of Council can all be found on our Council page.


Your Senate Representative on Council candidates are:

Sarah Hodge

I am an E&S Associate Professor in the Centre for Ecology & Conservation on the Penryn campus. Since joining Senate in 2023, I have hugely valued the opportunity to learn more about the higher workings of the University and contribute to discussions that have real impact on staff and students.  My role on Senate has also provided opportunities to get involved in wider aspects of University governance that I have very much enjoyed. I would like to nominate myself as a candidate for Senate representative on Council as I believe that my current role as Deputy Head of Department and previous experience as Director of Education (2017-2022), mean that I can make a valuable contribution in this forum. In particular, I believe that my extensive experience as an E&S academic will allow me to effectively contribute to discussions relating to the education experience of our students. I am also ideally placed to provide a Penryn perspective on the ways that we can achieve our goal of delivering world class education and research. I am excited about the opportunity to join Council and, if elected, look forward to using this opportunity to actively contribute to the future success of the University.

Brian Rappert

These are turbulent times in Higher Education in the UK.  It is my experience, that universities and other organisations are able to weather uncertainties and difficulties best when they enable widespread participation in decision making.  In my 20+ years at our university, I have sought to work toward this end.  I have done that in department leadership role such as during my times as Head of Department.  At a university-wide level, through my work as caseworker, department rep, Secretary and President of the Exeter UCU Branch, I have sought to represent and defend the views of academic and professional services staff over many years. 

As a newly elected senator, one of my main priorities is to ensure that the many academic communities at our university play active roles in shaping our collective future research and teaching strategies. In this vein, as Senate Representative on Council, I would seek to ensure that Senate and, through it, the wider University is engaged as fully as possible in the important decisions that lay ahead for us.