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Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Setting and Submission of Assessments

Chapter 2 Annex 1 - Style Guide

Chapter 2 Annex 2 - Assignment Brief

Chapter 2 Annex 3 - Checking Embedded Fonts

Chapter 2 Annex 4 - Embedding Fonts

Chapter 2 Annex 5 - Exam Setting Flowchart

Chapter 2 Annex 6 - Example Exam Setting Approval Form

Chapter 2 Annex 7 - Example Module Moderator and Module Leader Convenor Checklist

Chapter 2 Annex 8 - Late Submission of Coursework FAQs

Chapter 3 - Examinations

Chapter 4 - Assessing Students with Disabilities

Chapter 5 - Marking

Chapter 6 - Feedback

Chapter 6 Annex 1 - Timely Feedback Overarching Principles

Chapter 6 Annex 2 - Timely Feedback Deadlines

Chapter 7 - Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committees (APAC)

Chapter 7 Appendix - A APAC Summary

Chapter 8 - Progression

Chapter 9 - Classification of Awards

Chapter 10 - Mitigation

Chapter 10 Annex 1 - Sports Scholars - Mitigation Guidance

Chapter 11 - Consequence of Failure in Assessment

Chapter 12 - Academic Conduct and Practice

Chapter 12 Appendix A - Structure Within Faculties and Role Descriptors

Chapter 12 Appendix B - Process for Considering Cases of Suspected Academic Misconduct Within Formative Work

Chapter 12 Appendix C - Policy in Relation to Investigations and Hearings Involving Group Work

Chapter 12 Annex 1 - Academic Misconduct Appeal Form

Chapter 13 - Review and Publication of Degree Outcomes

Annex A - Examination Papers and Rubrics

Annex B - Examination Major Incident Procedures

Annex B Annex 1 - Exam Major Incident Template Email

Annex C - Programme Discipline APAC Minute Template

Annex D Faculty APAC Minute Template

Annex F - Mitigation

Annex G - Post-hoc Mark Scaling Guidance for APACs

Annex H - Template for Reporting on the Internal Review of Degree Classifications

Annex J - Generalised Timeline for Annual Internal Review of Degree Outcomes and Preparation of External Degree Outcomes Statement

Annex K - Sharing of Examination Papers or Questions Investigation Guidance

Annex L - Viva Voce Process

Annex L Appendix A - Template Invitation to Viva

Information, Advice and Guidance

If you have any queries with regard to interpreting or implementing any aspect of the TQA Manual, please contact:

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