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Oscar Fitch-Roy and Lena Kitzing 

Price or beauty: Evolving models of offshore wind site allocation
November 2021 | Presentation at WindEurope Electric City side event | Copenhagen


Oscar Fitch-Roy 

ExOE - building an industry SPRU 2020
December 2020 | SPRU Climate and Energy Seminar ‌

Catherine Mitchell

Inadequate policy action and governance
July 2020 | Citizen Advice Series

Catherine Mitchell

Key policy issues for decarbonising energy - Getting governance right‌
February 2020 | Seminar to GSI Students, London ‌‌

Catherine Mitchell

Delivering Net Zero: New thinking on a fit-for-purpose institutional framework‌
February 2020 | Presentation to the ADE, London‌‌


Rebecca Willis

Proposal for an Energy Transformation Commission
October 2019 | Reforming energy governance for net zero, London

Catherine Mitchell

What reform is required of the current energy system/governance?
October 2019 | Reforming energy governance for net zero, London

Catherine Mitchell

What reform is required of the current energy system/governance? 
October 2019 | Reforming energy governance for net zero, London

Catherine Mitchell

Getting Energy Governance Right 
October 2019 | Reforming energy governance for net zero, London

Jess Britton, Julie Smith, Basia Cieszewska

UK energy research & the gendered institution
August 2019 | RGS conference, London‌‌‌

Thomas Pownall

Electricity market redesign: a typology of interventions
October 2019 | Presentation at the I-REMB Conference, Copenhagen 

Richard Lowes 

Electricity market redesign: a typology of interventions
‌October 2019 | Presentation at Heat Decarbonised Pathways in Northern Ireland, Belfast 

Thomas Pownall 

An electricity market design for a renewable, storage and energy efficient electricity system
October 2019 | Presentation to the Department of Planning, Copenhagen 

Catherine Mitchell 

Concluding the 40-year utilities experiment: death spirals or rebirth 
October 2019 | Presentation to the Beesley Lectures, London 

Catherine Mitchell

Whole Energy System Coordination for a Net Zero Future 
September 2019 | Presentation to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Berlin  

Catherine Mitchell

Decentralising Energy and Communities
June 2019 | Presentation to Community Energy in a Climate Emergency, London

Oscar Fitch-Roy

Just another lobbyist? Long-term UK influence in EU Energy and Climate policy
June 2019 | Presentation to BEIS, London

Emily Judson

Governing Digital Energy
June 2019 | Presentation to PGR Summer Conference, Lancaster University |‌

Richard Lowes, Lesley Rudd, Stuart Fegan and Unnada Chewpreecha

Hot Hobs Workshop Note
May 2019 | Various presentations at 10:10, UKERC |Summary Notes

Lesley Rudd Slides
Stuart Fegan Slides
Unnada Chewpreecha Slides

Jess Britton and Caroline Kuzemko

Local government sustainable energy capacities: Scale, context and materiality
‌April 2019 | Presentation to UKERC Annual Conference: Local Energy Systems in National and International Contexts 

Richard Lowes

Whole Energy Systems and Net Zero for Kernow
‌April 2019 | Presentation to Cornwall Council‌

Emily Judson 

Governing Digital Energy
March 2019 | Presentation at KernowCon PGR Conference, Penryn‌

Iain Soutar

Challenges and opportunities in our local energy system.
February 2019 | Presentation for Show the Love for Cornwall, Trust

Iain Soutar

Emergence and control in UK energy system democratisation
February 2019 | In Search of Good Energy Policy Seminar Series, University of Cambridge 

Catherine Mitchell

Energy code review workshop
February 2019 | Presentation for BEIS/Ofgem, London 

Rachel Bray and Bridget Woodman 

Cornwall LEM Seminar
February 2019 | Presentation at Cornwall Local Energy Market event‌

Thomas Pownall

Electricity market design for a sustainable electricity system
‌January 2019 | Energy Systems Catapult, Birmingham |

Catherine Mitchell

IGov roundtable on Local Governance
November 2018 | Presentation to Energy Systems Catapult, Birmingham

Catherine Mitchell

Getting Energy Governance Right
October 2019 | Reforming energy governance for net zero, London

Jess Britton, Julie Smith, Basia Cieszewska

UK energy research & the gendered institution
August 2019 | RGS conference, London‌‌‌‌

Thomas Pownall

Electricity market redesign: a typology of interventions‌
October 2019 | Presentation at the I-REMB Conference, Copenhagen 

Richard Lowes 

Electricity market redesign: a typology of interventions
‌October 2019 | Presentation at Heat Decarbonised Pathways in Northern Ireland, Belfast 

Thomas Pownall 

An electricity market design for a renewable, storage and energy efficient electricity system
October 2019 | Presentation to the Department of Planning, Copenhagen 

Catherine Mitchell

Whole Energy System Coordination for a Net Zero Future
September 2019 | Presentation to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Berlin  

Catherine Mitchell

Decentralising Energy and Communities
June 2019 | Presentation to Community Energy in a Climate Emergency, London

Oscar Fitch-Roy

Just another lobbyist? Long-term UK influence in EU Energy and Climate policy
June 2019 | Presentation to BEIS, London

Emily Judson

Governing Digital Energy
June 2019 | Presentation to PGR Summer Conference, Lancaster University 

Richard Lowes, Lesley Rudd, Stuart Fegan and Unnada Chewpreecha

Hot Hobs Workshop Note
May 2019 | Various presentations at 10:10, UKERC |Summary Notes

Lesley Rudd Slides
Stuart Fegan Slides
Unnada Chewpreecha Slides

Jess Britton and Caroline Kuzemko

Local government sustainable energy capacities: Scale, context and materiality
‌April 2019 | Presentation to UKERC Annual Conference: Local Energy Systems in National and International Contexts 

Richard Lowes

Whole Energy Systems and Net Zero for Kernow
‌April 2019 | Presentation to Cornwall Council‌

Emily Judson 

Governing Digital Energy
March 2019 | Presentation at KernowCon PGR Conference, Penryn‌

Iain Soutar

Challenges and opportunities in our local energy system
February 2019 | Presentation for Show the Love for Cornwall, Trust

Iain Soutar

Emergence and control in UK energy system democratisation
February 2019 | In Search of Good Energy Policy Seminar Series, University of Cambridge 

Catherine Mitchell

Energy code review workshop
February 2019 | Presentation for BEIS/Ofgem, London 

Rachel Bray and Bridget Woodman 

Cornwall LEM Seminar
February 2019 | Presentation at Cornwall Local Energy Market event‌


Catherine Mitchell

IGov roundtable on Local Governance
November 2018 | Presentation to Energy Systems Catapult, Birmingham

Jess Britton

Local Energy Governance
November 2018 | Presentation to Energy Systems Catapult, Birmingham

Catherine Mitchell and Thomas Pownall

Consumer participation and market design issues
November 2018 | Presentation to OIES, Oxford

Catherine Mitchell

Issues for GB Energy Policy and the IPCC
October | DTI Energy Engineering, Denmark

Oscar Fitch-Roy, Jenny Fairbrass, David Benson 

Exploring the role of policy entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
‌September | UACES conference, Bath‌ 

Catherine Mitchell

Intro to People Roundtable
July | Citizens Advice, London 

Catherine Mitchell

EV Workshop Introduction
June 2018 | Chatham House, London 

Iain Soutar

Energy system change: insights for the circular economy?
June 2018 | Circular Economy Disruptions - Past, Present and Future, Exeter

Iain Soutar

Understanding innovation at the water-energy-food nexus
June 2018 | 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Manchester 

Richard Lowes and Bridget Woodman

Heat, Incumbency and Transformations
May 2018 | How do UK heat industry market players for into a sustainable future, London‌

Catherine Mitchell

Assessing market arrangements and getting the best deal for users
April 2018 | WEET Forum – Priorities for the UK Energy Market: competition, infrastructure and innovation, London 

Richard Lowes

The RHI: What could you do with £23 billion?
April 2018 | Scottish Renewables Conference, Scotland 

Catherine Mitchell

The market implications of the Brooklyn MicroGrid
February 2018 | I-REMB Advisory Board, Copenhagen


Catherine Mitchell, Helen Poulter & Richard Hoggett

RIIO ED-I Tables, based on Ofgem figures
October 2017 | e-Lab Summit, Albuquerque

Richard Lowes & Catherine Mitchell

Gas use in the UK and Green Gas Certificates
September 2017 | FutureGas Annual Meeting, Elsinor, Denmark‌

IGov Advisory Group

Energy system insights
August 2017 | IGov Advisory Group meeting

Catherine Mitchell

IGov 1 & 2 – Innovation & governance research overview
June 2017 | RCUK Energy Programme Advisory Committee, Swindon 

Catherine Mitchell

A fit-for-purpose energy governance framework
February 2017 | University of Exeter, Penryn

Iain Soutar

Governance and transformation at the WEF nexus
January 2017 | Lloyd's Register, London

Richard Lowes

Heat, incumbency and transformations - Overview
January 2017 | Imperial College, London