CONTENTS OF THE ISSUE There have been visits to this journal since 8th December 1999
Aim of the Journal The aim of this journal is to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly to include most kinds of theoretical reflection; to freely disseminate new thinking in these areas to interested persons; to encourage informal communication, dialogue and international co-operation between teachers, scholars and others engaged in such research and reflections.
Editorial policy. In keeping with the aims of the journal the editorial hand is used very lightly. This is an international unrefereed journal which aims to stimulate the sharing of ideas for no other reason than an interest in the ideas and love of discussion among its contributors and readers. If a contribution has some relevance to the broad areas of interest concerned, and contains some features of value it will be included; and these criteria are used very liberally. Please send any items for inclusion to the editor including an electronic copy on disc or E-mail. Word for Windows versions 6, 95, 97 and HTML files preferred, but most word processing formats can be accommodated. Most items are welcome include papers, short contributions, letters, discussions, provocations, reactions, half-baked ideas, notices of relevant research groups, conferences or publications, reviews of books and papers, or even books or papers for review. Diagrams, figures and other inserted items are not always easy to accommodate and can use up a great deal of web space, so please use these economically in submissions.
Copyright Notice. All materials published herein remain copyright of the named author, or editor if unattributed. Permission is given to freely copy this journals contents on a not-for-profit basis, provided any reproduction preserves the integrity of each article as a whole, apart from extracted quotes, and full credit is given to the author and the journal in each case. Webmasters are welcome to mirror the site.
Theme. There is no overall theme to this issue. There are philosophical reflections on mathematics, and reports of mathematics education reflections and research. Although largely Euro- and Anglo-centric, the issue has a better representation of Eastern European authors than previously.
Acknowledgements. The journal is made possible by the generous support of University of Exeter. Special thanks go to Mrs. Pam Rosenthall, Mathematics Technician at the School of Education for technical assistance in publishing this journal on the web. Any opinions expressed here are personal to the author(s) and not the responsibility of the University of Exeter.
The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal editor is Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, School of Education, Exeter EX1 2LU, U.K. Phone: (+)44-1392-264857, Fax: (+)44-1392-264736, E-mail: PErnest@ex.ac.uk, and homepage http://www.ex.ac.uk/~PErnest/, where this and previous issues of the journal are located.