Recruitment presentations

Subject presentations at Open Days/Offer-Holder Visit Days Days

We've developed a best practice guide for subject presentations to provide some useful hints about preparation, content and delivery, based on visitor surveys and mystery shopping. 

Your College Head of Communications and Marketing can also provide advice and may be able to help with subject-specific images and templates.

Powerpoint slides for Open Days

Slides in the undergraduate presentation templates are available to be used in presentations for undergraduate Open Days and Offer-Holder Visit Days. Templates are available with campus-specific images having been used to allow for personalisation, however you can also insert discipline-specific images or other images to allow for greater focus.

If you require high quality images of undergraduate students (these may be college specific or general student life images), please contact Nick Southall, Campaign Manager. 

Please draw upon the institution key messages in your presentation, particularly the three main strands. Ideally, if you could discuss the messages within the context of your discipline, bridging from institution level to discipline, this would be preferred.

You can download the slide templates below: